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Alfa Logo design inspired by Muriel Coopers MITP logo. Designed more modern too. 'DJ'
Bravo I wouldn't know it's dj unless you told me
Charlie It took me second until i saw the fun in the fedex logo. I enjoy your design. Thumb up.
Delta What about putting a space between the d and j to make it a tad more legible? I like it.
Echo Does not read as "DJ"
Foxtrot Maybe instead of cutting he "d" into two completely only cut it halfway from the top. Might look more like a "d" then. I can see your thinking though imaginative and creative, just needs to be slightly more clear without being obvious. (Edit. Could look like jj with my suggestion though)
Golf Maybe round the left corner to match the bottom. Might be more d like..I really like it tho
Hotel My guess was a subliminal way of flippin the bird to everyone. Didn't see DJ.
Alfa Thank for your feedback. It's a shame some people don't understand the concept of abstract design otherwise they'd see dj very clearly in lower case.